Expert PPC management services for marketing

We offer expert PPC management services to market your online business. Effective PPC management requires a deep understanding of how the various platforms work and experience developing and implementing successful campaigns. Getting the desired results from a PPC campaign is only possible with expertise. A PPC campaign is not a set-it-and-forget-it solution. It requires ongoing optimization to ensure that it is performing at its best. This includes analyzing performance data, adjusting bids and ad copy, testing different strategies, and many more.

What is PPC Ad Marketing

PPC stands for Pay-Per-Click. It is a form of digital advertising where advertisers pay for each time their ads are clicked. The most well-known form of PPC advertising is search engine advertising, in which businesses bid on keywords that users of search engines enter when looking for certain products or services. When the ad is clicked, the company pays the amount it bids for the keyword.PPC marketing involves creating and placing ads on search engines, websites, and social media platforms to drive traffic to a website or landing page. Other forms of PPC advertising include display advertising, which involves placing banner ads on websites, and social media advertising, which consists in placing ads on social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram.
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Search Ads

Search ads are best suited for businesses that want to reach potential customers at the moment they are searching for specific products or services.  These ads appear on the search engine results page. Ads appear to the audience when they search keywords related to the ad.

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Display Ads

These ads are typically banner ads that appear on websites that are part of a network, such as the Google Display Network. Display ads for businesses result best who want to increase brand awareness or drive traffic to their website. They effectively reach specific audiences based on their interests, behaviors, and demographics.
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Shopping Ads

These ads, also known as product listing ads, feature products from online stores and appear in search results when people search for specific products. They effectively drive sales because they show detailed product information and pricing. Businesses with an online store that want to promote particular products will get more advantages with this ad.
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Video Ads

These ads are video ads that appear on websites, apps, or social media platforms. These are best suited for businesses that want to showcase their products or services visually appealingly. They can be effective at capturing attention and engaging potential customers.
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Remarketing Ads

Remarketing ads delivering to people who have visited the website or used the app in the past. They remind people about the business and encourage them to come back and make a purchase. These ads are effective at increasing brand awareness and driving sales.
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Social Media Ads

Social media ads are best for reaching specific audiences on social media platforms. They effectively drive traffic to a website, increase brand awareness, or generate leads. Social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, show these ads. The audience is specified based on demographics, interests, and behavior levels.
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Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon PPC ads are a form of advertising offered by Amazon that allows sellers to bid on keywords and have their products displayed in search results, product detail pages, and on the Amazon Advertising network. There are several types of Amazon PPC ad services, including sponsored products, sponsored brands, and sponsored display ads.
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Gmail Sponsored Promotions

Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP) are a type of pay-per-click (PPC) advertising offered by Google that allows businesses to reach potential customers through their Gmail inbox. These ads appear in a user’s Promotions tab and look like regular emails, with the exception of a “Sponsored” label.
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Local Service Ads

Local service ads (LSAs) are generally pay-per-lead (PPL) advertising offered by Google, allowing businesses to promote their services to potential customers in a specific geographic area. These ads appear in Google Maps and search results when people search for local services. To be eligible to participate in the Local Services program, businesses undergo a verification process and meet specific eligibility requirements.

Our professional PPC marketing management includes

AD Creation and Monitoring

We create and manage online advertisements, which include initiating the ad content and design, setting up targeting and budgeting, and monitoring the ad campaign’s performance. Our effective AD Creation and Monitoring method combine strategy, creativity, and data analysis. By carefully planning and executing your ad campaigns, we can reach your target audience and achieve your marketing goals.

A/B Testing

Our A/B testing goes through a statistical method of comparing two versions of a webpage, app, or other product to decide which performs better. We use it to optimize websites and apps for conversion rate optimization and test anything that can be quantified, such as clicks, sign-ups, or sales. It is a powerful tool for product development that allows companies to make data-driven decisions.

Landing Page Design

We create a stand-alone web page for a marketing or advertising campaign. Our creative design directs the visitor to take specific action for making a purchase or filling out a form. Our simple design with compelling images and headlines will explain the value of your product or services. We create the landing page remembering its goal.

Keyword research

Selecting a perfect keyword for PPC advertising is a difficult task. An ideal keyword can increase the success rate of any campaign. To conduct keyword research for PPC marketing, we start by considering the products or services your business offers and the terms potential customers might use to search for those products or services online. We use keyword research tools to help you find different words and phrases people use to search for similar products or services.

Conversion Tracking

Conversion tracking is an essential factor of PPC marketing. It allows businesses to measure the effectiveness of the campaigns and determine how well they convert clicks into sales or other desired actions. There are several different ways we use to track conversions in PPC marketing. One standard method is to use a website analytics tool, such as Google Analytics, to track conversions.

Analytics Reporting

PPC (pay-per-click) analytics reporting is the process of tracking, analyzing, and interpreting data from your PPC campaigns to understand how well they are performing and how we can improve them. Proper PPC analytics reporting can help identify trends and patterns, understand what’s working and what’s not, and make informed decisions about optimizing campaigns for better results.
We’ve got enough experience to create award winning campaigns on Google AdWords, Bing, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.


PPC Management Provided


Paid Search Advertising


Video Advertising Projects


Display Advertising Campaign


Successful PPC Remarketings


Social Advertising Projects

Our case studies

Skylink Nova

Vitality window fix

A window-fixing service company based in the USA provides top-notch solutions to clients seeking to fix or install their windows.

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Emildes Yamashita CEO

As one of the owners of my company, I had very high expectations for the type of website I wanted to create. I was very pleased with the work done by Skylink Nova

Juan Concepcion Jr. Project Manager

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